We have decided to change the way we deliver workshops,rather than spreading them over the month the workshops will be held on the last Saturday of each month.We will run 2 workshops per day one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Occasionally we will be holding workshops on a Sunday and these will be posted to the Facebook page and the Website.
Gardening(the basics)
This months workshops will be Gardening (The Basics) Josh the market gardener and Dan the Nursery man will be showing you how to set up a basic garden at home and then all the boys will hang around afterwards and answer questions.The workshop will be from 10-12 with tea and cakes at the end.The session will cover what to use,how to stay organic,tips and tricks and an actual hands on demo of howto do this at home.
Bees,keeping natives and honey bees at home.
The second workshop will be the wonderful world of bees,both European and native.Let Marty guide you through the fascinating world of bees and show you how easy it is to raise your own bees at home.The workshop will be from 1pm-3.30pm.Marty will show you what you need to get started in this fantastic and easy hobbie,so that you can support bio diversity and enjoy beautiful home grown honey.
Both these workshops are very popular so please arrive a little early to find seating.
Where 270 Ferry road under the mango tree
Time Saturday the 25th of January
Garden workshop 10 am-12 (allow a little more time for questions).
Bees workshop 1pm-330
Both workshops are still just 20$ each/$10 for concession.