It was an amazing native bee workshop held on Saturday 8 December 2012 at 270 Ferry Road, Southport. Marty took 30 participants through a fascinating journey in the life of our native stingless bees.
One of the more interesting things to come out of the workshop was that while the Trigona sp is a stingless bee, that description does not stop it from giving one a good nip. Marty elaborated on this after having this experience around his eyes while splitting a hive in front of the workshop group. That experience brought some light-hearted comment into the dialogue.
Similar to flies, they apparently, in addition to providing the good nip described, also like crawling into one’s eyes and up one’s nose when disturbed, though flies do it out of bloody-mindedness. These poor little bees at least had the excuse that they thought Marty was attempting to destroy their colony. He was almost driven to distraction before adopting a half bee-suit in order to keep them off his face. He toned that look to a simple veil later on in the workshop when the said veil was located.
Marty highlighted the fact that the best place and the most knowledgeable person in Queensland on Native Stingless Bees in Tim Herd. Tim’s website is a hive of information and will also provide you with his design to build your own hive.
Another site where you can find and research all types of native bees is Aussie Bees . This is the site of the Australian Native Bee Research Centre and will provide you with pretty well anything and everything you want to know about native bees. Research into these delightful creatures is if anything, sadly lacking in comparison to their European Honeybee ‘cousins’. The European Honeybee is said to be the second most researched organism internationally. They first being humans.
This is the final workshop for 2012 and we look forward to our next in January 2013.
Watch this space!